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Daisy Weal has now been published 

Visit my Austin Macauley web site:

I write books in several genres, whether it be Children's, Young Adult and Adult fntasy/Science Fiction, or Adult  Detective Murder/Mysteries.

I have written and published twenty-eight books and several short stories, full details of which can be found by clicking the 'Books' link above.


The book shown to the left, is the first of my 'Larry Dexxman' series of detective/murder/mysteries. The cover of which was produced by Anita B Carroll as a promotional gift to celebrate her own birthday. Some of the Children's Fantasy cover backgrounds were produced by  Richard K Green.


I started writing several years after I retired, and my only regret is that I did not start thirty years earlier.


All of my books have been published as ebooks, and as print on demand

paperbacks. My First book 'Daisy Weal' has also been produced as an Audio book and is widely available.






Dexxman is an unusual and creative story with a plausible, but totally unexpected conclusion..

Victor Nelson MD


Dexxman is a first rate Grade A thriller from start to finish.
James A Anderson


Dexxman is still a fun novel that moves with surprising agility, likeability, and dexxterity

James Blakley





Full details of these books can be found by clicking the 'Books' Link above, together with full purchasing information

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